An attunement is a procedure where a person (or spirit guide) passes on a specific energy structure/signature to another persons energy body and/or energy centers (chakras). This enables the receiver to become a permanent channel for that specific energy.

The best known attunements are Reiki attunements. As you most likely know, Reiki is an ancient healing art that was (re) discovered by a Japanese monk called Mikao Usui. He received attunement from spirit after he had fasted for about 3 weeks on a mountain. After a spiritual encounter, he found that he could heal ailments just by placing his hands on a place of concern.

Usui’s spiritual encounter had left an ”imprint” (attunement) in his spiritual bodies and chakras, which made him a permanent channel for the energy we today call Reiki (meaning universal life force).

This workshop also includes attunements, which are available to you as soon as you have enrolled into this workshop!